Experimental tests in wind tunnels have been traditionally employed as a fundamental tool to evaluate aerodynamic and aeroelastic effects due to wind action on civil engineering structures, such as bridges and slender buildings. In the last decades, due to the versatility presented [...]
This paper focuses on the dynamic behavior of variable-span morphing wings (VSMW) oscillating in pitch and plunge motions under subsonic flight conditions. The unswept cantilevered wing is modeled as three-stepped Euler-Bernoulli beam. The aerodynamic loads acting on the wing are [...]Abstract
A discussion of the dominant factors affecting the behaviour of long span cable supported bridges is the subject of this paper. The main issue is the evolution of properties and response of the bridge with the size of the structure, represented by the critical parameter of span length, [...]Abstract
In the industrial design of turbomachinery blades their aeroelastic behaviour is most commonly investigated by methods, that use linearization or rely on unidirectional coupling. To circumvent the limitations of those methods a new fully coupled simulation in the time domain with [...]Abstract
In the industrial design of turbomachinery blades their aeroelastic behaviour is most commonly investigated by methods, that use linearization or rely on unidirectional coupling. To circumvent the limitations of those methods a new fully coupled simulation in the time domain with [...]
This paper focus on mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of human phonation process. The mathematical FSI model is presented consisting of the description of the structural model, the flow model and the coupling conditions. In order to treat the VFs contact, the problem [...]