
An adaptive Finite Point Method (FPM) for solving shallow water problems is presented. The numerical methodology we propose, which is based on weighted‐least squares approximations on [...]


The finite point method (FPM) is a meshless technique, which is based on both, a weighted least‐squares numerical approximation on local clouds of points and a collocation technique which [...]


A finite point method for solving compressible flow problems involving moving boundaries and adaptivity is presented. The numerical methodology is based on an upwind‐biased discretization [...]


This paper presents a methodology for solving shape optimization problems in the context of fluid flow problems including adaptive remeshing. The method is based on the computation of the [...]


A mixed hierarchical approximation based on finite elements and meshless methods is presented. Two cases are considered. The first one couples regions where finite elements or meshless methods are used to interpolate: continuity and consistency is preserved. The second one enriches [...]


Two main ingredients are needed for adaptive finite element computations. First, the error of a given solution must be assessed, by means of either error estimators or errors indicators. After that, a new spatial discretization must be defined via h, p or r-adaptivity. [...]


The present paper proposes a new technique for the definition of the shape design variables in 2D and 3D optimisation problems. It can be applied to the discrete model of the analysed structure or to the original [...]


In this work we present a general error estimator for the finite element solution of solid mechanics problems based on the Variational Multiscale method. [...]


Two implicit residual type estimators yielding upper bounds of the error are presented which do not require flux equilibration. One of them is based on the ideas introduced in [MAC 00, [...]


This paper presents a formulation for the obtainment of the sensitivity analysis of a point wise error estimator with respect to the nodal coordinates using the adjoint state [...]