
This study focuses on an analysis of motivation by entrepreneurs as regards international expansion, and how their motivation impacts their informational preference. Entrepreneurs may be grouped according to their motivational orientation: promotion and prevention. Promotion entrepreneurs [...]


Cognitive neuroscience has provided a better understanding of the impact of media stimuli on cognitive and emotional processing. This article offers an exploratory bibliographic review on the contribution of neuroscience in the design of audiovisual content (N=57). This review was [...]


The use of apps in education is becoming more frequent. However, the mechanisms of attention and processing of their contents and their consequences in learning have not been sufficiently studied. The objective of this work is to analyze how information is processed and learned [...]


Elderly people are major consumers of the media, especially of television, which combines conventional commercials with advertising formats included in the programme that do not break its continuity, unconventional advertising (UA). The aim of this study is to analyse how elderly [...]


Los jóvenes viven hoy en una cultura multimedia donde los contenidos a los que acceden y hacen circular a través de diferentes dispositivos tecnológicos audiovisuales, forman parte de su educación informal. En ese contexto, la publicidad clásica inserta en esos medios de comunicación [...]


El termino envejecimiento activo es relativamente novedoso y muy poco conocido a pesar de que en los últimos tiempos se ha hablado mucho de esto. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo revisar la literatura frente a la atención en salud del adulto mayor. [...]


Air traffic controllers simultaneously develop complex and multiple tasks in the course of their activities. In this context, concern is raised over the high level of attention needed by these professionals which can ultimately be affected by stress and fatigue. Objectives: The objective [...]


Background: Achieving clear visibility through a windshield is one of the crucial factors in manufacturing a safe and comfortable vehicle. The optic flow (OF) through the windshield has been reported to divert attention and could impair visibility. Although a growing number of behavioral [...]


The impact of media and social networks on users is growing. The fact that commercial activity is flooding most social networks motivates us to enquire about the success factors of posts, and to try to determine if the impact is greater or lesser depending on gender. Attracting attention [...]


Subject: the study is dedicated to a retrospective assessment of time intervals. Relevance: The theory of contextual change states that both attention and long-term memory are involved in estimating the length of past time intervals. However, the same manipulations on the test [...]