It was around the years 2003 to 2005 that a dramatic change seized the semiconductor industry and the manufactures of processors. The increasing of computing performance in processors, based on simply screwing up the clock frequency, could not longer be holded. All the years before [...]Abstract
Some years ago, progress in road telematics had made it possible to introduce time travel information in real time on VMS devices. Such information can lead road users to avoid congested areas as well as to waiting in a better condition for the end of the congestion. In a way, they [...]Abstract
Table of Content Acta Cardiologia Indonesiana Volume 1 Number 1 Year 2015 Document type: ArticleAbstract
This field research studies human-human interactions (HHI), seen from cockpit's perspective in context of collaborative decision making (CDM) during flight operation situations. It is based on the assumption that cooperation among all participating operators achieves positive effect [...]