International audience; City systems, consisting of the various social and technical infrastructures required for urban areas to function, are facing major challenges in the coming decades as global urbanization and the pressure on resource efficiency and sustainability continue. [...]Abstract
International audience; The production of PhotoVoltaic (PV) energy depends on the solar irradiance level. The PV power plant fluctuations may have a significant impact on the frequency regulation in sufficiently small power systems, such as islands. The objective of this paper is [...]Abstract
International audience; The modes of reasoning which are used in the context of safety analysis and the very nature of knowledge about safety mean that a conventional computing solution is unsuitable and the utilization of artificial intelligence techniques would seem to be more appropriate. [...]Abstract
International audience; To sustain the rapidly increasing air traffic demand, the future air traffic management system will rely on a concept, called Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO), that will require aircraft to follow an assigned 4D trajectory (time-constrained trajectory) with [...]Abstract
Technological advancements made it possible for Electric vehicles (EVs) to have onboard computation, communication, storage, and sensing capabilities. Nevertheless, most of the time these EVs spend their time in parking lots, which makes onboard devices cruelly underutilized. Thus, [...]Abstract
Connected objects of everyday living have made their way into our lives. Known as Internet of Things, the various technologies inspire a vast variety of applications. One of the pioneer applications is the concept and development of a smart home. This is now spreading outdoors; making [...]Abstract
Day by day the number of vehicles on roads is growing, increasing also the number of accidents, traffic jams and carbon dioxide emissions. For this reason, the European Union has adopted an action plan for improving urban mobility where the public transport is the main key. To present [...]Abstract
International audience; A prerequisite to the design of future Advanced Driver Assistance Systems for cars is a sensing system providing all the information required for high-level driving assistance tasks. Carsense is a European project whose purpose is to develop such a new sensing [...]Abstract
acknowledged by the SESAR program, current ATC systems must be drastically improved to accommodate the predicted traffic growth in Europe. This study aims at assessing the performance of 4D-trajectory planning and strategic deconfliction, two of the key concepts identified to meet [...]Abstract
International audience; As mobility grow in urban cities, traffic congestion become more frequent and troublesome. traffic signal is one way to decrease traffic congestion in urban areas but needs to be adjusted in order to take into account the stochasticity of traffic. Reinforcement [...]