• Fintech

    What are some of the challenges facing fintech recently
  • Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Online Class

    Please, find here the link to the recording of the Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Master Class that took place on January 24, 2023.

  • Recording of the Introductory Online Meeting

    Please, find here the link to the recording of the Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Introductory Meeting that took place on January 18, 2023.

  • Recording of the Introductory Online Meeting

    Please, find here the link to the recording of the Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Introductory Meeting that took place on January 18, 2023.



  • Introductory Online Meeting

    Join the Introductory Online Meeting:


    Wednesday, January 18, 10:00 - 11:00

    Time zone: CET (GMT +01:00)

    To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/vab-yvob-fuf

    Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +34 822 11 28 55 and enter this PIN: 244 837 744#

    To view more phone numbers, click this link: https://tel.meet/vab-yvob-fuf?hs=5

  • Introductory Online Meeting

    Join the Introductory Online Meeting:


    Wednesday, January 18, 10:00 - 11:00

    Time zone: CET (GMT +01:00)

    To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/vab-yvob-fuf

    Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +34 822 11 28 55 and enter this PIN: 244 837 744#

    To view more phone numbers, click this link: https://tel.meet/vab-yvob-fuf?hs=5

  • Online Training Environment

    Click here to join the Online Training Environment!

  • Online Training Environment

    Click here to join the Online Training Environment!

  • Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Online Class

    Join the Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Online Class:


    Tuesday, January 24, 16:00 - 17:00

    Time zone: CET (GMT +01:00)

    To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/txv-zwev-ftv

    Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +34 872 55 88 16 and enter this PIN: 421 274 317#

    To view more phone numbers, click this link: https://tel.meet/txv-zwev-ftv?hs=5

  • Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Online Class

    Join the Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Online Class:


    Tuesday, January 24, 16:00 - 17:00

    Time zone: CET (GMT +01:00)

    To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/txv-zwev-ftv

    Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +34 872 55 88 16 and enter this PIN: 421 274 317#

    To view more phone numbers, click this link: https://tel.meet/txv-zwev-ftv?hs=5

  • Introductory Online Meeting

    Join the Introductory Online Meeting:

    Thursday, June 23, 10:00 - 11:00


  • matcomp 21

    Alguien ha conseguido subir el articulo para Matcomp 21? Lo he intentado varias veces, pero se me bloquea justo despues de darle  "upload"

  • Subir documento

    Buenas noches,

    En mi caso, tampoco puedo subir la publicación a la revista. La plataforma no me acepta el formato editable en word, al cargarlo la página se queda cargando y luego aparece una página de error. Únicamente me permite subir archivos en pdf, y al buscar la Revista de Materiales Compuestos para clickar en 'Publish here' no me la encuentra de ninguna de las maneras.

    Si he descubierto una opción de añadir el documento buscando la revista por otro sitio, pero como es en pdf y no en word, no me deja añadirla a la revista.

    Teníamos tiempo hasta el 30 de abril. Quedo a la espera de alguna indicación que me ayude a solucionar la incidencia.

    Un saludo.

  • New functionalities available from 02/15/2022

    New functionalities available from 02/15/2022:

    • Improved journal/collection filters. Date and feature selectors now display the entire contents of the journal, allowing you to show more.
    • Integration of the text search engine within the journal/collection (local search).
    • Incorporation of a review code for peer-review journals.
    • An editor can now delete an article from her/his journal/collection once it has been published. This is returned to the author as a draft.
    • We have made the button to edit a user profile more visible.
  • Repository of working documents of the prodPhD project

    As member of this group you are granted permissions to access the repository of working documents of the project at: https://www.scipedia.com/sj/prodphdwd

  • Repository of working documents of the Fibregy project

    As member of this group you are granted permissions to access the repository of working documents of the project at: https://www.scipedia.com/sj/fibregywd

  • Create the profile of your institution in Scipedia

    Now, you can have a profile of your institution in Scipedia. Scipedia institutional profiles include a presentation of the organization, a list of the registered members, a compilation of their contributions and some analytics. See CIMNE's profile as example of this feature.

    If you want to activate a profile of an existing institution, please contact us. We will grant you permissions as curator of that profile. Then, you will be able to fill out and update the information of your institution.

    You can also set up profiles for organizations, research teams or research projects. In order to do so, you must first to insert the name of the organization in the field “Additional institutions” of your profile. Then, contact us to activate the corresponding profile.


    Estimados revisores de RIMNI.
    Estamos completando un nuevo sistema de revisión de los artículos de RIMNI en Scipedia que pensamos puede mejorar varias de las prestaciones del actual.

    Basicamente se vuelve al clásico sistema de revisión por dos revisores seleccionados por la revista. Los autores solo recibirán la información de la revisión de su artículo una vez finalizada esta.

    En breve os informaremos de los detalles de cómo  se implementará el nuevo sistema de revisión.

    Gracias por vuestra colaboración con RIMNI.


    Eugenio Oñate

    Editor de RIMNI

  • Utilidad de Scipedia

      María José Rodríguez Malmierca

      Rodríguez Malmierca, María José Scipedia Reputation Score 196

      Centro de Supercomputación de...

      ¿Será una herramienta útil, o será una iniciativa válida pero sin respaldo académico suficiente?

    • History of documents (revisions)

      During the process of reviewing the articles, different changes are usually made in the document, and in some cases, it can be useful to revisit a previous version. You, as reviewer or author, can always access the different versions of the document through the "History" menu option (next to "Review").

      In the History page, you only need to click on the date of the revision to access that particular version. There is also a tool that allows to compare the changes between two versions.

      This utility to save the document revisions is also available (just for the authors) once the document has been published. Its main goal is to allow the authors to add data files, videos and any other additional information, which was not included in the first version.

    • Access to previous versions of a document

      Dear colleagues:

      During the process of reviewing the articles, different changes are usually made in the document, and in some cases, it can be useful to revisit a previous version. As you may already know, you can always access the different versions of the document through the "History" menu option (next to "Review").

      In the History page, you only need to click on the date of the revision to access that particular version. There is also a tool that allows to compare the changes between two versions.

      This utility to save the document revisions is also available once it has been published and has been included to allow the authors to add data files, videos and any other additional information, which was not included in the first version.

    • Acceso al formulario de áreas de especialidad / temas de revisión

      Dado que varios de vosotros lo habéis solicitado, se ha habilitado la siguiente dirección para que podáis acceder al formulario de selección de áreas de especialidad / temas de revisión:


      Tened en cuenta que es necesario que hayáis hecho previamente "login" en vuestra cuenta en Scipedia, antes de acceder a ese formulario.

    • Recordatorio: Seleccionar áreas de especialidad

      Para aquellos que no lo hayáis hecho todavía:

      Es muy importante que rellenéis lo antes posible la información del formulario de selección de áreas de especialidad, para que podamos poner en marcha los procedimientos de revisión de RIMNI.

      Muchas gracias por vuestra colaboración.

    • Edit your manuscript during the review

      If you are familiar with the Wiki format, you can make any changes in the manuscript using the Wiki editor ('Edit' menu option) or the Wiki visual editor ('VisualEditor' menu option). These are usually the preferred options in case of minor changes in the manuscript.
      In the case of major changes, it is probably easiest to make the necessary changes in the original Word or LaTeX document and then reimport it, by using the 'RE-IMPORT' option of the right hand side panel.

    • Proceso de revisión de RIMNI en Scipedia

      Nos gustaría daros unas indicaciones sobre el proceso de revisión de RIMNI en Scipedia, que esperamos os sean útiles.

      La revisión de los artículos se hará por un grupo de evaluadores, que se seleccionarán quasi-automáticamente del Panel de Evaluadores de RIMNI en función de su área de especialidad y la del artículo (escrito en español, portugués o inglés). Cada posible evaluador seleccionado recibirá un email para aceptar o rechazar la invitación a evaluar el manuscrito. Una vez aceptada la invitación, el revisor podrá abrir un diálogo con los autores a través del foro de revisión del documento (accesible a través de la pestaña "Review" de la página del documento).  Este diálogo será transparente para el autor y todos los evaluadores implicados, cuyos nombres permanecerán anónimos.

      ​En cualquier momento de este diálogo, el revisor puede emitir su recomendación, pulsando el correspondiente botón del panel “PEER REVIEW INFORMATION”. Esta recomendación es reversible mientras el proceso de revisión continúe.

      El artículo se aceptará o rechazará, cuando un mínimo de revisores así lo determine, en función de una serie de pesos relativos al “prestigio” de cada revisor. Dicho prestigio variará en función de la actividad del revisor en el proceso de evaluación y otras actividades para las que se requiera su colaboración con la revista.

      Si tenéis cualquier duda o comentario al respecto, no dudéis en transmitírnoslos a través de este foro.

    • Institutional profile

      From now, on your institution can have a profile in Scipedia. The profile information is automatically generated from the data of the users linked to that profile.

      This is an example of a institutional profile: https://www.scipedia.com/institution/cimne.upc.edu?section=overview

      In order to activate your institutional profile, we only need a member of the institution to act as responsible for the profile, taking care of keeping the information on the home page updated. If you want to become responsible for the profile of your institution, just email as to info@scipedia.com.


    • Coffee Talk - "Augmented and virtual reality applied to the Construction sector", by Oscar de Coss and Sara Rebollo


      Wednesday, July 12th, 2017. Time: 15h

      Place: C-110 Room, UPC North Campus, Barcelona.


      There is no doubt about the attractiveness of the augmented and virtual reality technologies, also for the largest IT companies but still it is not clear their real value excepting for entertainment, in the videogame industry.

      Nevertheless, there are some initiatives trying to show that it could have some room for these technologies in the AEC sector, as not only an expensive and dazzling novelties, but also to be a useful tool.

      This talk would like to contribute to this debate. It includes a review of both technologies, describing of two of the most recent devices, HTC Vive and MS Hololens, as well as software, such as unity 3d and Vuforia, used to create AR/VR experiences, and a couple of examples to assess their potential practical use.

      CV of the speakers

      Mr. Oscar de Coss, is a civil engineer and has recently finished his Master in Structural and Construction Engineering at the UPC with a work entitled "Augmented reality applied to construction".

      Ms. Sara Rebollo is currently finishing her civil engineering degree, and is working in a final thesis about how to apply virtual reality experiences to strength the awareness of the workers about the risks in a building site, as a possible activity in the occupational safety and health plan.


      Further information

    • Workshop - "Fortran Modernisation Workshop"

      The three day computational science-centric practical hands on workshop is aimed at Fortran programmers who want to write modern code, or modernize existing codes, to make it more readable and maintainable by encouraging good software engineering practices. Adopting good software practices makes codes more amenable to optimization and parallelization, and the path to making it a community code a whole lot easier.

      Topics will include:

      -Software engineering for computational science;

      -Modern Fortran standards and how to write optimized and efficient Fortran;

      -NetCDF and HDF5 scientific file formats for data sharing in Fortran;

      -GNU Automake to automate the build process;

      -pFUnit unit testing framework for testing Fortran codes;

      -Doxygen for Fortran code documentation;

      -Git version control for collaborative code development;

      -In-memory visualisation using PLplot in Fortran;

      -IEEE Floating Point Exception Handling

      -Software verification and portability using the NAG Fortran Compiler

      -Fortran interoperability with C, Python and R;

      -Introduction to parallelism for Fortran;

      -Fortran code verification using the CamFort tool;

      -Object oriented programming in Fortran 2003.

      Place: Room C1001, Building C1, Campus Nord Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), C/ Gran Capità, S/N 08034, Barcelona, Spain

      Dates: 24/07/2017-26/07/2017 (9-18h)

      Note: This course is provided free of charge to all confirmed participants. Attendees are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.

      Attendees must bring a laptop with WiFi capabilities in order to connect to the server for the exercises. The laptop can have either Linux or Windows, and if Windows please ensure that MobaXterm (link is external) is installed.
      Futher information and registration

    • CIMNE Seminar -"Brief introduction to Discrete Exterior Calculus", by Dr. Rafael Herrera Guzmán


      Wednesday, July 5th, 2017. Time: 12h.

      Place: O.C. Zienkiewicz Conference Room, C1 Building, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona.


      Discrete Exterior Calculus is a recent method to discretize partial differential equations using concepts from Differential Geometry and Topology, which allow rewriting equations in an intrinsic manner.

      The main steps in such an approach are as follows:

      1. Write out the PDE in terms of smooth differential operators.
      2. Replace the smooth domain, variables, and operators by their DEC counterparts.
      3. Use DEC-based analysis to set up an appropriate linear system of equations.

      The resulting linear system can then be solved by existing numerical methods to approximate solutions to the PDE.


      Dr. Rafael Herrera Guzmán obtained his Degree in Mathematics at the UNAM in 1993 with the medal “Gabino Barreda”. He is PhD in Mathematics by the Oxford University, England, in 1998. He is a researcher at CIMAT from 2005 and member of the SNI Level II within the Physics, Mathematics and Earth Sciences Area.

      Previously, Dr. Herrera has worked at Yale University, University of California at Riverside, Princeton University and City University of New York. He has been awarded with the “Guggenheim Fellowship” (2002-2003) and a “Research Fellowship” by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2005-2006).

    • New Google Docs' add-on

      We are pleased to announce the beta release of the Scipedia's Google Docs add-on. It allows to create your documents using this well-known online collaborative editor and upload them directly to Scipedia.

      You can install the new tool from the Add-ons menu of any Google Docs document.

      We hope you will enjoy the new feature and will be glad to hear your comments and suggestion on it. 

    • CIMNE coffee talk by Arnau Pont

      CIMNE coffee talks

      New developments in computational aeroacoustics for the simulation of human phonation using the Variational Multiscale Method

      by Arnau Pont (CIMNE)
      Wednesday, June 14th, 2017 - 15h   
      O.C. Zienkiewicz Room, C1, Campus Nord UPC, Barcelona

      The numerical calculation of fricative sounds with a FEM code in realistic 3D geometries requires a very fine spatial discretization in order to capture all relevant turbulent scales, which leads to heavy parallel computations. For low speed flows, like in the present case, conservative compressible flow formulations might fail, for which the more affordable incompressible approach is often used. However, most available formulations in Computational Aeroacoustics based on incompressible flow either require modeling acoustic source terms or are not valid at the near field, where flow perturbations are still non-negligible. Therefore, new developments in both incompressible and compressible formulations and the corresponding results will be presented.


    • How to embed a Youtube video in your document

      It is easy to embed a Youtube video in your presentation. You just need to copy the URL of your video, edit the section of your presentation and insert the following code. 

      {| style="font-size:75%; color: #222222; border: 1px solid darkgray; background: #f3f3f3; table-layout: fixed; width:100%;"
      | {{#evt:service=youtube|id=[Youtube link https://youtube_link]|alignment=center}}
      |- style="text-align: center;" 
      | Video 1. Caption. 

      Finally, overwrite the text "youtube_link" with the URL of your video, and replace the text "Video 1. Caption." with the caption of your video. 

      The result will be similar to that shown in section 5.1.2 of the following document:


    • Share an article

      A new feature offering a direct link to share a document through your Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter or Google+ is already available. You can find it in the frame “SHARE THIS DOCUMENT” on the right hand side of every document.

    • How to embed a Prezi presentation in your document

      You can embed a Prezi presentation in your document, in three easy steps:

      1. Copy the link to your Prezi presentation (at Prezi.com).
      2. Edit the section of your document and insert a picture / thumbnail of your presentation.
      3. Add a link to your Prezi presentation to the thumbnail. 

      The resulting code will be something like:

       [[File thumbnail.jpg | link=http://prezi.com/prezidata]]

      The final result will be similar to that shown in section "PRESENTACIÓN" of the following document:


    • CIMNE coffee talk by Camilo Bayona

      CIMNE coffee talks

      The role of the Orthogonal Sub-Grid Scales - Variational Multi-Scale (OSGS-VMS) method in describing the Burgers "turbulence" phenomena

      by Camilo Bayona (CIMNE)
      Wednesday, May 31st, 2017 - 15h   
      O.C. Zienkiewicz Room, C1, Campus Nord UPC, Barcelona
      The Orthogonal Sub-Grid Scales-Variational Multi-Scale (OSGS-VMS) method can accurately approximate Burgers "turbulence" (a highly simplified version of the incompressible Navier–Stokes turbulence), only with the addition of purely dissipative numerical terms. The analysis of a one-dimensional Burgers equation in the Fourier space allows to clarify the scale dependence of the numerical diffusion introduced by the OSGS-VMS method. In particular, results can be contrasted with Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) and with a spectral Large Eddy Simulation (LES).


    • Selección de temas de revisión

      Como os anunciaba en el 'post' anterior, debéis haber recibido ya un email con un enlace al formulario donde podréis elegir vuestras áreas de especialidad de entre aquellas definidas para RIMNI, así como los idiomas (español, portugués y/o inglés) en los que podáis realizar la revisión de artículos.

      Es muy importante que rellenéis lo antes posible la información de ese formulario, para que podamos poner en marcha los procedimientos de revisión de RIMNI.

      Finalmente, para aquellos que no lo hayáis hecho todavía, permitidme insistir en que completéis vuestro perfil en Scipedia (foto, detalles de vuestra filiación actual, contribuciones más relevantes, …) .

      Muchas gracias por vuestra colaboración.

    • Ámbito de discusión del grupo

      Dado que Scipedia integra herramientas para la gestión de revistas, propongo que las discusiones del grupo no sólo se centren en OJS, sino que también puedan extenderse a la propia Scipedia.

      En el siguiente enlace podéis encontrar información de cómo funciona el ciclo de publicación y revisión de artículos (con revisión ciega y colaborativa) de Scipedia: https://goo.gl/ed0DAc

    • Mensaje de bienvenida

      ¡Buen día!

      Les doy la bienvenida al grupo y gracias por el interés en participar en él. Espero que podamos intercambiar conocimiento y experiencias.


      Fernando P.

    • How to create a new journal or repository in Scipedia

      Do you want to create a new journal, collection (open repository) or publish the proceedings of a conference in Scipedia?

      If you want to create a new journal in Scipedia, see [[#_RefFAQS_CPRO2|How can I create a collection or repository of my organization, community or research project?]]

      If you want to create a new collection in Scipedia, see [[#_RefFAQS_MCJ1|How can I create my personal repository?]]

    • Asignación de revisores de RIMNI

      Amplio la información del anterior "post".

      En breve recibiréis un email de Scipedia con un enlace para acceder a un formulario donde podréis elegir vuestras áreas de especialidad de entre aquellas definidas para RIMNI, así como los idiomas (español, portugués y/o inglés) en los que podáis realizar la revisión de artículos. Esta información permitirá facilitar la asignación de revisores de los manuscritos que lleguen a la revista.

      Una vez que hayáis respondido a ese formulario estaréis incluidos en el cuadro de revisores de RIMNI y podréis empezar a recibir invitaciones para la revisión de artículos. En el siguiente enlace podéis encontrar una presentación sobre el proceso de revisión por pares en Scipedia:


      Finalmente, a aquellos que no lo hayáis hecho todavía, queremos animaros a que completéis vuestro perfil en Scipedia (foto, detalles de vuestra filiación actual, contribuciones más relevantes, …) dado que será accesible desde la página de la revista, donde se presentará en un formato como el siguiente:

      Eugenio Oñate

      Eugenio Oñate 

      International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering

      Si tenéis cualquier duda, comentario o sugerencia, no dudéis en trasladárnosla por este medio.



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